WHAT'S NEXT ?? ..... More compromise ?
John Ransom, a Townhall columnist recently said in reference to the budget cutting compromise:
"That’s the way our system was designed; for gradual change, not revolution. For those who feel the revolution has been betrayed somehow, I caution that revolutions in American politics are slow, fitful things that are evolutionary not revolutionary."
As he goes on to admit "For the first time in 46 years Congress has actually reduced the level of spending year-over-year. Without voters making it absolutely clear in townhall meetings, rallies and protests that they are taxed enough already, we’d be looking at higher spending most certainly."
So, we should be satisfied....Right ??
Well, this means that, at that rate .....if we had another 46 years, I can assume we would get another similar cut?? Hmmm?? Think about that!!??
Erik Erickson of Redstate explains: "the GOP is getting $38.5 billion in total cuts for the year. Additionally, of the $38.5 billion in cuts, several folks on the Hill tell me that $12 billion is from readjusting baselines in the budget and are mostly smoke."
But we’ll take it, I guess??
........"For perspective, the federal government spends $10.46 billion a day.
The Democrats and Republicans have now come together to cut out just under 4 days worth of spending out of 365 days."
He goes on to say:
...."For a year now the Republicans and Democrats have told us we have serious problems and need serious solutions. They’ve told us we have a serious budget deficit crisis.
However, on Friday night the two parties came together and decided the crisis they’ve been telling us about really isn’t worth dealing with." ......certainly not now anyway !!!
So, WHEN, I ask ????
Lorita Doan another Townhall columnist had it right when she said "Balancing the federal budget will require deep cuts to non-performing programs and will require changes to the existing budgeting process in future years." ......
so again, I ask.....WHEN do we do this ???
Allowing "our system" to work its way through whatever gradual change some think is acceptable is simply NOT AN OPTION !!!
April 11, 2011 | Posted by Speaker Boehner's Press Office:
This week, the House will vote on House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan’s (R-WI) FY 2012 budget: The Path to Prosperity. In USA Today, Speaker Boehner says The Path to Prosperity “is a powerful blueprint for economic growth and fiscal responsibility that will help our economy get back to creating jobs, stop Washington from spending money we don't have, and lift the crushing burden of debt that threatens our children and grandchildren.” And in the Weekly Republican Address, Chairman Ryan explains how “this budget is a jobs budget.”
And so, the rhetoric continues.....but what do we really know now?
Well, for starters, we know that the Dems still think "cutting" is not spending (or "investing") at the same increased rate that they have been; and that its still OK for wage earners (especially wealthy ones, who work harder) to pay for the needs of those who do not; and that Repubs can be made to "blink" when the time comes.
We've also come to understand that both political parties....especially the leaderships, still practice the age-old art of SELF-PRESERVATION "POLITICS" in that RE-ELECTION IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN STANDING FOR ANY REAL PRINCIPLES or representing "WE THE PEOPLE"....BECAUSE THAT'S THE WASHINGTON WAY!