Sometimes I wonder why I bother with it.
After spending many months supporting & endorsing NEWT GINGRICH for the GOP nomination; thinking that he would be the person to fix the ailing system and be the one who would be able to resist the influences of the elite establishment and its biased media; only to be suddenly, once again be dis-illusioned, and disappointed in the public display of political corruption witnessed in this election cycle.

Having made many new facebook friends (as I'm sure many of us have)....some of which will certainly not agree with my views....I only say: "
that's what our country is supposed to be about....freedom of expression, thoughts, ideas & opinions." Those in disagreement are free to express theirs in their own way....so long as we don't infringe upon the rights of others to do the same.
I personally can not adopt a view of
"voting for the lesser of two evils" in comparing Barack Obama vs Mitt Romney. I feel we must be able to resist being "force-fed" a philosophy that we disagree with.
Their ARE other choices! WE MUST STOP THIS INSANITY !!

I honestly feel we have a long struggle ahead of us.
The two-party system is so powerful (money supported) and influential (media-driven)... that any progress toward fixing this will necessitate electoral reforms &; campaign finance reforms which will entail an uphill battle that must come...
but how and when???
I don't see either the RNC/DNC changing themselves and becoming "un-corrupt"; and for individuals at the ground level to work their way up...it is extremely unlikely with
the "playing field" so "uneven" and dominated by BIG MONEY and the "good ole boy networks" that are in place.
So, does it come through
a 3rd Party??
The duopoly we now have has so embedded itself and thus dominated U.S. politics for quite some time now, that it, too is extremely difficult!!
The biggest hurdle is Ballot Access:
http://www.ballot-access.org/2012/04/01/march-2012-ballot-access-news-print-edition/) for 3rd/independent parties in all states is the first step which can often take years.
They will, however, need to clarify some of their positions (policies/platform) if they truly expect to assimilate more of the INDEPENDENT VOTERS and CENTRIST-RIGHT MAJORITY in order to actually win elections on a national level.
For one, they DO A POOR JOB of expressing their "NEUTRALITY" on SOCIAL ISSUES !!! Often being labeled "pro-something, when they are NOT !!!
They DO A POOR JOB of expressing their actual views on National Defense & Foreign Policy !!! Often being labeled "isolationist" when they are really NOT !!!
I'm trying to weigh most of the admirable principles of the Libertarian Party against the risk of turning the nation into one of "Anarchy"...(where everyone just does as they please).
As an example...there is a fine line in being able to determine when one's choice of a "social liberty" infringes on, or does harm to another's choice.
Specifically, it becomes the inevitable problem of choosing...By who and when is such a determination of "harm" made? (by the Government...through a Law?????)
History has shown us that people can not rule themselves in a "civil society" without some kind of civil constraint.
The Libertarian Party does not seem to address this area very well.
In order for their philosophy to work, people must be rational, and we're all too often not rational at all.
We need a system that will work for the good of the nation.....and my hopes that a "workable" methodology/system of allowing those liberties be adopted in the Libertarian platform.
Whether any "a party" includes or deals with
SOCIAL ISSUES is always a critical problem (as it is often the major cause of disputes among the parties).
Many parties choose to treat one or all social issues with a broad brush thus leading to internal bickering, while others become so restrictive that they exclude the overwhelming majority of those they wish to appeal to....look at the GOP for example !!
Suffice it to say that trying to get "everyone" or, at least, a workable majority of constituents on the same page...on all or even most social issues; is a daunting if not impossible task.

It is the
RESPONSIBILITY of the "individual, parent or family" to provide, develop and maintain a "moral compass".
Why should it become the responsibility or job of your elected representative to provide, develop and maintain it?? If you don't like or agree with one's position on abortion...or gay marriage.....don't vote for that person!!
It's really that simple!
Again, it is
when people are not "responsible"; or infringe upon the rights of others ...that it often FAILS.
Therein lies the real issue!!!
Campaign Finance Reform:
Reduce or eliminate the influence of money and special interests groups in campaigns.
Establish public funding options for clean elections and shorten election cycles.
Eliminate soft money from corporations, unions, and wealthy individuals.
Prompt Internet disclosure of campaign contributions and voting records.
Lobbyists provide information, not money.
Establish election spending caps on candidates in order to cover administrative/travel costs with annual adjustments tied to relevant national inflation/cost index.
Elections/Electoral Reforms:
Amend Constitution to provide Term Limits on Senate and Congress of no more than 2 consecutive terms in Senate and 6 consecutive terms in Congress. In doing so, term limits will minimize corruption, put and end to career power wheeling politicians, allow for quicker response to change in policy and direction of the country and reduce the possibility of a political class within the government.
All States must grant fair ballot access to qualified third party candidates and independents.
All TV, Radio or other media debates and forums must uniformly & impartially include ballot-qualified third-party and independent candidates.
Publish uniform statewide voter guides in all national elections.
Eliminate "Gerrymandering" in the States or require courts, not State political parties, to construct equal legislative voting districts preventing the disenfranchisement of the voter
State primaries/caucuses/conventions for any & each party must be held on the same day with results not published until all states have closed respective polls.
Cumulative voting options, instant runoff.
NOTA (None of the Above) on the ballot line as a voter's choice.
Electorate Recall vote to remove legislators in their respective state.
Citizen initiative and referendum laws in all states.
For more info see: