This is a story about my "imaginary friends" which I will name with a number and refer to with a "generic" him or her with no real reference to their sex.
I have a friend (#1).....who is a staunch fiscal conservative like me !!! We balance our books all the time !! If we can't "fit it in our budget", we do without.....until we can afford it.
.....and we don't like to waste money and time on frivolous things, especially when "times are tough". We "detest" fraud, and avoid cheats or dishonest people.

The only response I get back is...."Well, that is supposed to make you feel good and a part of the "community"!
My friend #3 is a homosexual !! (Ugh!!) I didn't learn about that until later on. He was a great cook, hard worker, and a very nice guy. Then one day, he introduced me to his "boyfriend" he had a "relationship" with for years! Wow!!! ....and I never knew it. Yeah, this one was "tough".....certainly not my "cup of tea"! He later explained to me the difficulties he had in trying to buy a house "together
with his boyfriend".....his unfair treatment (legally & civil) due to his sexual preference. Had to sympathize with them a bit here. They didn't interfere with anyone....didn't try to ram their "sexual preference thinking" down anyone's throat, didn't try to "teach it to my kids",

Now for friend #4 , a nice lady who generally is soft spoken and like me, is generally quite a Conservative. She is a Lutheran and goes regularly to church. She is also PRO-CHOICE on the issue of Abortion.I tend to understand her position since I have a modified position myself, which would allow for a woman to make that choice in the case of rape, incest, or medical necessity. An interesting quoted phrase makes you think:
"....if you take an egg from a woman, it's an abortion. If you take an egg from a chicken, it's an omelette."
The obvious comment here is that there is a difference between a woman and a chicken; but the subtle point of necessity or "reason for taking the egg is not addressed".

Friend #5 is a devout Muslim has lived and worked his whole life in his family business since his parents immigrated to the U.S. in 1956 from Morrocco. They are now closing up the business since many of their former customers have stopped patronizing their store for fear of reprisals to themselves, and assorted other peer pressures. It's a shame; he is a "proud" person and refuses handouts, but can not sustain himself here any longer.
He is not a "terrorist"; and does not subscribe to Islam's adoption of Sharia Law......yet is accused of it regularly. I guess he will have to take a ship and leave like the Puritans did when they came to America, huh??
With all these different friends, I began to wonder what was wrong with "people"???
I got quite frustrated.....and finally asked GOD to step in and grant me one wish!!!
I felt HE was on my side and would do this in order to keep my sanity.
I asked GOD to put all these people in ONE ROOM !!!
Then, to let them come out, one at a time, with the "proper mindset" as only HE truly intended them to have!!
WELL.....Slowly, each one came out.....and to my "amazement and befuddlement".....they all seemed exactly the same as they went in ????
I immediately said to myself :
"Well, I guess GOD didn't give me THAT WISH !?"........
or DID HE ???
It may be that, even though, we have social & moral differences among us... (Remember, our own Founding Fathers escaped persecution, too !)

It may just be that the "human nature" in us all will, in the long run, enable a CIVIL SOCIETY adjust to changing times and still prevail over ANARCHY !!
A REAL CHOICE for Liberty....
leaving SOCIAL ISSUES off the table, letting the individual decide for themselves....
leave government OUT OF IT !!;