How many more times must we "TURN the OTHER CHEEK" ??
We not only have to overlook that we are not a "Christian" nation any more...we are now "ALL things to Anyone" regardless of their beliefs. (apparently today's "liberalism" means we just let folks do what they wish, right....??) We certainly don't seem to promote the same moral values that our country was once founded upon.

We aren't an English-speaking nation anymore, either. We speak whatever language has the most people getting in across our open borders. Afterall, we wouldn't want to impose any hardships on our immigrants, right? I remember my Grandmother had to learn English when she came to this country in 1958. Not now... we just print extra signage and add more phone menu options, etc.
We allow our elected reps and appointed officials to "run amuck" with ethics violations and corrupt practices including tax violations, various mis-appropriations, and a whole host of charges where the outcomes never seem to get reported in the media??
Even our House Speaker (Pelosi) can "mis-state (aka: lie)" about her CIA hearings on Tortures in 2002 with no retribution.
Today from NEWSMAX.com:
Pelosi Lied, Briefed on Torture Memos in 2002
Thursday, May 7, 2009 10:20 PM
"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was thoroughly briefed in September 2002 that CIA interrogators were waterboarding terrorist Abu Zubaydah, according to report from the National Intelligence Director's Office that Fox News and other agencies obtained.
The revelations completely contradict Pelosi’s repeated assertions that she knew nothing about “harsh interrogation” measures being carried out on enemy combatants.
The 10-page report, submitted to the Senate Intelligence Committee and other Capitol Hill officials Wednesday, refutes in considerable detail Pelosi’s statement last month that she was never told about the use of waterboarding or other special interrogation tactics.
According to the report, Pelosi was told of the techniques used against Zubaydah during a Sept. 4, 2002, meeting with intelligence officials, then-House intelligence committee chairman Porter Goss, and two aides."

and then.....
We allow organizations like ACORN to have apparent immunity in their corrupt practices!!!! And, GUESS WHAT....they do so good in counting people like Mickey Mouse, the Dallas Cowboys, and certain other individuals seventy times over; .....that they will be allowed to work on the next U.S. Census!!! Oh Goodie!!!
and then.....
We allow our policy makers to go about making "knee-jerk decisions" like closing Guantanamo N.B. without having thoroughly thought out or planned for the consequences of such actions! I guess some will end up in the infamous Saudi "rehab" camps to go out again as better terrorists. Others may just be going to states like Virginia where they can draw welfare...and all the other benefits that you will help pay for!!
and YES, NOW we can't even tell our kids to "pull up their pants" !!

courtesy of The Tennessean: State telling kids to pull up pants may be "un-American" says State AG:
"The (TN) Attorney General opined today that a bill that would fine Tennesseans wearing their pants near their knees may be unconstitutional, an opinion that at least one blog saw coming."
NEXT = ????
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