Well, in the case of THIS ACORN (one in particular)....it falls waayyyy too far away!
ACORN = Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now
the Organization for Manipulating the plight of Low-Income Families to Accumulate more Government Control to Redistribute wealth evenly regardless of how much or little you work. (aka....SOCIALISM).
ACORN can best be compared to a "cancer" that has spread from its beginning days with the Rathke family in their Elysian Fields headquarters in New Orleans to organizations in over 38 states and many countries abroad.
Despite the numerous reports and ongoing investigations of fraud, abuse, mis-representation and corruption; ACORN, along with its funding, has continued to infiltrate into such organizations as shown by the list below. Many of the characters involved with the ACORN abuses, frauds, etc. continue to "mutate" and find other areas to infect.

Unfortunately, due to the liberal-dominated media and the liberal- dominated administration, any true exposure of these reports and investigations will continue to remain non-existent or "lost". Therefore, it seems that the overwhelming majority of our apathetic populace will allow this organization to continue its practices unabated.

The Many Faces of ACORN:
385 Palmetto Street Housing
Fund Corporation
4415 San Jacinto Street Corporation
Acorn 2004 Housing Development
Fund Corporation
Acorn 2005 Housing Development
ACORN Associates
ACORN Beneficial Association
ACORN Campaign Services
ACORN Campaign To Raise The
Minimum Wage
ACORN Center for Housing, Inc
ACORN Children’s Beneficial Association
ACORN Community Land Association
ACORN Community Land Association of IL.
ACORN Community Land Association of LA
ACORN Community Land Association of PA
ACORN Community Labor Organizing Center
ACORN Cultural Trust
ACORN Dumont-Snediker Housing
Development Fund Corporation
ACORN Fair Housing
ACORN Housing Corporation
ACORN Housing Corporation of IL
ACORN Housing Corporation of MO
ACORN Housing Corporation of PA
ACORN Institute
ACORN Law For Education, Representation,
And Training
ACORN Management Corporation
ACORN National Broadcasting Network
ACORN Services
ACORN Television In
Action For Communities
ACORN Tenant Union Training
And Organizing Project
ACORN Tenants Union
Affiliated Media Foundation Movement
Agape Broadcasting Foundation Inc
American Environmental Justice Project Inc
American Home Childcare Providers
American Institute for Social Justice
Arizona ACORN Housing Corporation
Arkansas Broadcasting Foundation
Association for the Rights of Citizens Inc
Associated Regional Maintenance Systems
Austin Organizing and Support Center
Baltimore Organizing and Support Center
Boston Organizing and Support Center
Broad Street Corporation
California Community Network
Chicago Organizing and Support Center
Chief Organizer Fund
Child Care Providers for Action Franklin
Citizens Action Research Project
Citizens Campaign for Work,
Living Wage & Labor Peace
Citizens Consulting, Inc
Citizens Campaign for Finance Reform
Citizens for Future Progress
Colorado ACORN Housing Corporation
Crescent City Broadcasting Corporation
Desert Rose Homes LLC
Dumont Avenue Housing
Development Fund
Elysian Fields Corporation, Inc
Elysian Fields Partnership
Fifteenth Street Corporation
Floridians For All PAC
Franklin ACORN Housing
Greenville Community Charter School Inc
Greenwell Springs Corporation
Hospitality Hotel and Restaurant
Organizing Council (HOTROC)
Houston Organizing And Support Center
KABF Radio
KNON Radio
Labor Neighbor Research and Training
Center Inc
Living Wage Resource Center
Louisiana ACORN Fair Housing
Massachusetts ACORN Housing
Metro Technical Institute
Missouri Tax Justice Research Project
Montana Radio Network
Mott Haven ACORN Housing
Development Fund Corporation
Mutual Housing Association of
New York Inc
National Center for Jobs & Justice
New Mexico Organizing and Support
New Orleans Community Housing
New York ACORN Housing Company Inc
New York Agency for Community Affairs
New York Organizing and Support Center
Organizers Forum
Pennsylvania Institute for Community
People’s Equipment Resource
Phoenix Organizing And Support Center
Project Vote
SEIU Local 100
SEIU Local 880
Service Workers Action Team
Shreveport Community Television
Site Fighters
Sixth Avenue Corporation
Social Policy
Southern Training Center
St. Louis Organizing And Support Center
St. Louis Tax Reform Group
Student Minimum Wage Action Campaign
Texas ACORN Housing Corporation Inc
Wal-Mart Workers Association
Wal-Mart Association for Reform Now
Working Families Association