Doing research for one of my book projects has brought some important points out which I think we need to think about!
First is about our "Right to Vote"!
There is none!!
Take a close look at our Constitution! When you vote, its a "privilege" offered to you by the states!! Even when you vote in a national election, its allowed only by the states; ...and you vote only for a "slate of electors" ....you never vote for the candidate!

Additionally, I have been convinced that not everyone should have that privilege anyway!!
Yup, I've really gone off the deep end, huh!
I believe that the founders of the Constitution, in fact, had so designed it that way.

Think of it....most of our problems stem from an uninformed, apathetic electorate. An overwhelming majority of our "eligible voters" do not understand the workings of our government, probably don't know who their Senator or Representative is, either.......but probably do know who won American Idol... or who was on the Oprah Winfrey Show that afternoon!

I feel that somehow we must limit this "privilege to vote". I'm not sure exactly how to do it, but we need to find a way!!!
Maybe a test or something?

I do not feel that a "one-person...one-vote" system was intended nor should it be followed. Simple residency does not unfortunately equal responsibility!!

A GREAT quote explains alot:
"It is difficult to conceive of a more worrisome relationship than that between ignorant voters and highly knowledgeable, well-organized political activists"!......Ilya Somin, "How Political Ignorance Threatens Democracy", USA Today Magazine, Nov 1, 2004
Hmmmm.... Could it be we already have a dis-illusioned, un-informed electorate being railroaded by a well-organized political activist (formerly) from Illinois???
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