Here's the problem, as summarized in this excerpt quote from a haystack post on Redstate:
"On February 17, 2009 (just about a month after swearing an oath to defend his Country against all enemies foreign and domestic) it was reported that Barack Obama was committing an additional 17,000 troops to the Afghanistan “conflict” in order “to meet urgent security needs.”
On March 27, 2009 Barack Obama “announced a comprehensive, new strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan that is the culmination of a careful 60-day, interagency strategic review,” suggesting that:
We are in Afghanistan to confront a common enemy that threatens the United States, our friends and allies, and the people of Afghanistan and Pakistan who have suffered the most at the hands of violent extremists. So I want the American people to understand that we have a clear and focused goal: to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat al Qaeda in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and to prevent their return to either country in the future…To achieve our goals, we need a stronger, smarter and comprehensive strategy.”
Two days later, on March 29, 2009 it was reported that Barack Obama was committing “4,000 troops to Afghanistan along with hundreds of civilian specialists in an effort to confront what he considers “the central challenge facing [that] country.” Now the master of indecisiveness is promising “to announce new strategies for both countries Friday” (September 25, 2009)."
"Waffling" is not a policy.
As our troops continue in harm's way, we find that there really has been no policy other than that of the usual politcal reactions.
We should all know by now that the "War on Terror" or our "fight against islamic extremism" is not found just in the mountains of Afghanistan. It will be one of our overall exercise of International Security and reaction to Global Intelligence un-inhibited by the hinderance of "political correctness"!

Unfortunately, we have a "Commander-in-Chief" with Zero experience in everything from Management to Foreign Affairs.
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