So long as our society moves in the direction of "spreading the wealth" and becomes a "land of entitlements".......it will no longer mean anything to "live within your means"!! It is already a concept that is becoming extinct as we find new ways and reasons to "bailout" a FAILURE!
Many of us do it today with our "youth" under the guise of "protectionism", "no child left behind", and the need to "make it better for the next generation".....
All at the expense of never learning the lessons of life!!
Yes...I know; we must keep up with the needs of "the household" and the busy schedule of our hectic two-income lives that.... well, its apparently OK for the government to step in and provide those things we just don't have time for, Right?? After all, its more important to adhere to "peer pressure" and keep up with "the Jones's"

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