The answer is “motives” !!!
Yup, to create NEW real jobs we must have a “MOTIVE”!!
This was found at my own Job Summit here in Tennessee.
Let me explain.
The Obama administration has tried feverishly to “create jobs”. The stimulus plan(s) have set aside money to give out for “new jobs” which would stimulate our economy. These jobs were created by sending money to various organizations to do certain beneficial things like studying “cloud formations” in the upper atmosphere, etc…… the problem, however, was when the study was over…..there was no more job. Hmmmm??
OK, they then tried more “concrete-type” jobs like building roads…… contractors were hired who, in turn, hired people to new jobs and we built roads. Oops,… the roads were built and now those folks were laid off again. Back to “square one”.
Alright, we’ll try a different approach. Let’s give out “incentives”. How about “Cash for Clunkers”?? You remember that, right? Oh darn!! Same deal…..when the program and “the incentives” stopped, so did the sales…..and “the jobs”!!
Well……let’s just give everybody some money……you know, “Obama Money”!!
Actually let’s give it a better name and call it “Entitlements” Let’s even give it to dead people, prisoners, and all kinds of other folks we have on record. Only problem this time was once the money was passed out, the spending stopped and so did the temporary jobs…… and our deficit grew even more!?? (Oh darn!!)
And then it “dawned on us”!!! We need a MOTIVE to create jobs!!
Yup….In order to make anyone really hire someone, there must be a Motive!
In our human society (be it as it is) that translates to “making money” or a “profit” Call it capitalism, call it whatever you like. Just don’t call it socialism, or communism or anything that takes away the “motive” through the encouragement of laziness, apathy and the “re-distribution of wealth”.
I will go one step further and say that a REAL MOTIVE can be achieved immediately by adoption of the FAIR TAX. It’s our REAL ANSWER sooner or later!
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