Sunday, May 23, 2010

SING-a-LONG with me !!

Your lesson for the day:

How to destroy a country:

1. Promise that an economic stimulus is a surefire winner and ram it through without bipartisan support.

2. Have no foreign policy that views America as a good thing.

3. Spend a year talking about a healthcare bill that is opposed by a large majority of the electorate, then pass it by three votes in the House after passing it in the Senate by buying off senators.

4. Say an immigration bill is “racist” and “promotes racial profiling” without reading a bill that explicitly takes measures to prevent that, then stand side by side a foreign president who is causing the illegal immigration problem, then wear wristbands to ensure that the entire country, 67% of whom supports the bill, knows where you stand.

Watch this one, too! Coming May 29 !!

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