Why do we continually choose to try and "re-build" nations in our image; why do we try to change cultures when they do not want to be something else; why do we feel it is our "duty" or responsibility to do all this?
Because we are "RIGHT" ??
Because of "innocent" lives or casualties ??
Because we are the "policeman" of the world ?? (oops, I mean "policeperson" of the world.
Not really.....THEN WHY???
If we do it to defend ourselves...and fight the various terrorist groups and their tactics being used today......
Terrorists are everywhere now....even in our backyard!!
They TRAIN everywhere.....even in our backyard !!
Al Qaeda has been in NW Pakistan and many other places for ages.....
For Afghanistan itself, the Taliban are simply waiting for us to eventually leave anyway and have already negotiated a joint government plan with the corrupt Karzai regime.
So why do we send our troops to a land where we are not wanted, nor understood.....again, it seems it is to try and change a culture that does NOT want to be changed??
If we feel the need to take action, then take what action we need to; use what forces are necessary according to our intelligence sources; and be done with it !!!
We don't need to "win over" anyone nor do we need to entrench ourselves with vast bases and a complex plan of "nation rebuilding"!
Stop trying to be "politically correct" and appease everyone! It will never happen!
Being born in Berlin in 1944, I sometimes think back when we bombed the German citizens in WWII (I was in one of the bunkers with my mom then... trying to survive);.... and then I think back when we let the Atom bomb go on Japan (twice) !!! I suppose there were some innocents killed there, too!!
I fought in Vietnam and saw the same "mis-directed" effort trying to "change the hearts and minds" of a culture that did not want to be changed. It was all done under the premise of "stopping the spread of communism"! It did virtually nothing to stop it; instead it embarrassed and weakened us!
It seems we just refuse to learn from our past mistakes!!
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