Have you heard the news!!??
It's now OK for "the government" to "suggest" getting rid of Gen Motor's CEO who admittedly did a crappy job (even considering the poor economic conditions). But, its OK on the other hand, to keep the AIG "partyhogs" on board and allow them their hefty "Bonuses" to boot!! Irregardless of how you feel about the government "running" businesses...... there is no consistency to the policies being used here. Be tough on GM, but not on AIG ?? I'm confused??
I believe strongly in the independence of our capitalistic society and the rule of "survival of the fit"; and the law of "supply & demand".
Just think, the government could soon suggest lots of good stuff like how to run a "Post Office"!
And then, of course, its still OK to keep our cheating beaurocratic "blunderheads" like Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Tim Geithner and the "Queen of Snobs", Nancy Pelosi around to keep "stimulating us".
Of course, those of you who know me....know that the above comments are my personal opinions only. However, when I pay my taxes on April 15, I'm seriously considering claiming the Tim Geithner "no penalty...late payment" option. Yup, in fact, let's make him Treasury Secy.....and while we're at it; let's make Sen. Dodd head of the Banking Committee.
Did someone say this is like letting a Vampire run the "Blood bank" or was it like letting an Arson keep all the "matches"??? Hmmmm..
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