I started this blog talking mostly about my new passion with Affiliate Marketing.....and the programs I am involved with.
But recently I also completed a series of 4 articles entitled "A Day in the Life of....." covering various jobs in the Property Management field.......watch for them in the Ezine Articles feed here on the blog and my website ..... because I will probably elaborate on them very soon in the future.
Then, I also started covering some issues in Politics like (The Root of the Injustice in our Political System).....with more to come. Watch for them as well!
Lastly, I have really gone out in the "Wild Blue Yonder" and started a very simplified, layman's look at Economics called (none other than): "A Simple Look at Economics Today"! In this series, I will also examine a number of concepts which I know you will truly find enlightening......such as:
"Water is one of the world's great business opportunities. It promises to be to the 21st century what oil was to the 20th." - Fortune Magazine, 5/2000
"The World Bank reports that 90 countries now have water shortages that threaten health and economies while 40 percent of the world - more than 2 billion people - have no access to clean water."
"Water, like energy in the last century, will probably become the most critical natural resource issue of this century."
"Within a few years, a water crisis of catastrophic proportions will explode upon us - unless aroused citizens demand of their leadership actions reflecting vision, understanding and courage."
-University of Arizona, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
"Water, like energy in the last century, will probably become the most critical natural resource issue of this century."
"Within a few years, a water crisis of catastrophic proportions will explode upon us - unless aroused citizens demand of their leadership actions reflecting vision, understanding and courage."
-University of Arizona, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
So stick around and if you're not following this Blog now, join in and either become a follower....subscribe by e-mail or by RSS Feed; and most certainly feel free to post any comments you may have.
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