For clarity....Here is the Bill submitted in 112th Congress by M. Blackburn on Thurs 1/20/2011.
This is where we should concentrate our efforts:
"In September, Republicans pledged to repeal ObamaCare if elected to the majority in the House. In Novemeber you spoke clearly. This week, we passed a repeal bill.
Repeal was only the first part of our pledge. We also made a promise to replace ObamaCare with patient-centered reforms that would reduce cost and expand access to health insurance.
Yesterday, I introduced the Health Care Choice Act. The bill has the support of Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton and the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Health, Joe Pitts. Over seventy other Members of the House have joined me in co-sponsoring the bill.
For decades, state borders have created artificial barriers to competition in the health care market. By allowing consumers to purchase health insurance across state lines, the Health Care Choice Act helps to dissolve those barriers.
Here is how the Health Care Choices Act will work to bring down the price of health insurance: Today, when Tennesseans buy health insurance, they are paying for all the coverage requirements that the state insurance commissioner mandates insurers doing buisness in Tennessee must offer. Those mandates vary from state to state.
If you are a young person out buying insurance for the first time, you probably don't need a plan that covers hip replacements. Likewise, if you are a retiree looking for a good policy, you wouldn't be interested in one that offers neonatal care or covers in vitro fertilization treatments. However both the young professional and the new retiree must carry those benefits if the state where they live mandates them.
The Health Care Choice Act allows you to to go online, or to an insurance agent, to shop for a policy that meets your needs- even if that policy is offered in another state. That policy might also have addtitional coverage you need that isn't mandated in your home state.
The Health Care Choice Act expands the health insurance marketplace beyond state lines and gives insurance companies an incentive to compete for your buisness. We all know that competition reduces cost, expands options, and increases efficency.
Competition is what makes the Health Care Choice Act a better approach than ObamaCare. ObamaCare creates national mandates for all health insurance policies, driving up costs for everyone. At the same time ObamaCare mandates that everyone carry a health insurance policy- even if they don't need or want the coverage offered.
The bet ObamaCare makes is the near-term expenses incurred through these mandates will be made up by the long-term savings once everyone is in the insurance pool. Tennessee tried that approach through TennCare and it nearly bankrupted the state.
The Health Care Choice Act introduces competition instead of mandates. That competition will reduce costs and expand access. It will give Americans the coverage they need at a price they want to pay. That is a promise that ObamaCare won't ever deliver on."
My Best
January 24 at 6:40am
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