It all boils down to interpretations of the various clauses of the Constitution.

As Antifederalists, often led by Patrick Henry, had grave reservations that certain clauses in the Constitution like the "general welfare" clause would be too "liberally" interpreted, and eventually lead to a tyrannical government in the hands of the wrong people..... the Bill of Rights and subsequent amendments came to being.

Even the First Amendment where Congress "shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof".......is entirely twisted around to essentially prohibit one's exercise of any religion in a public manner...despite the fact that Christianity was the most important factor in shaping the Colonies.

When the country was founded....it was essentially made up of Puritans, Quakers, and Virginians (or Aristocrats). All three were certainly quite diverse, and yet each colony was quite adamant (and vigilant) against the interference of their religious rights (and freedoms) by the other! So, began the quest to formulate a government which would allow each to openly practice these rights without restriction or interference from each other nor from any "central" government. Hence the insistence of STATES RIGHTS !! In other words, it did not grant powers to the central government to interfere in the church-state relations as decided upon by any of the states individually.
Even the Civil War (or War Between the States ...as it more accurately was).....was not over slavery, but over the States Rights to secede.

The legal basis for secession (or States Rights) is found in the Tenth amend. which leaves any powers not delegated to the States....to the States.....thus, since there is no power given to suppress secession; so it remains a right reserved to the States.
Look at the Commerce Clause.....how all encompassing they have tried to make this become!! Just ridiculous!!
Even the 14th Amend....giving US citizenship to babies who "just happen" to be born on U.S. land....EVEN ILLEGALLY!!

How crazy is that!!!.....no one seems to pay attention to the words "and under the jurisdiction of"; nor do they look to the original intent under which this Amendment was adopted.
As you can see, constitutional interpretations, today, have long been slaughtered, mutilated, and essentially disfigured to protect powerful politicians, special interest groups, etc. It is destroying our Republic and the "freedoms" we once had !!

Mostly due to the creation and development of the "Nanny State" arising from a gradual deterioration of Individual responsibilty, morality and family values!!
YES ....the TIME HAS COME !!!

If you think the Civil War was fought over states rights -- you have a point.
ReplyDeleteBut you are wrong which side wanted states rights. For all the rhetoric, the South detested states rights almost as much as they hated free speech, and they outlawed free speech from 1820's on, prescribing torture for those caught with the wrong book.
Even preachers were arrested -- and whipped - for simply owning a book which QUESTIONED slavery as coming from God. Did you know that?
It's true.
In fact, the South hated real states rights so much, that they went to war to STOP states rights.
See the South's own Five Ultimatums against state's rights. The SOuth issued five ultimatums -- all five were a violent opposition to state's rights.
Under the Southern Unltimatums, states had NO rights to decide slavery issues, nor any issue of civil rights, within even their own state!
Think I'm wrong? Go see the South's own Five Ultimatums.
Google Southern ULtimatums, learn some real history, as written by the Southern leaders and Southern newspapers at the time.