This amazingly clueless "Queen of Snobs" never ceases to amaze us.................
In March 20, 2003, the day after the U.S. invaded Iraq, thousands of people participated in an out of control protest in San Francisco, largely shutting down her district and, in many cases, winding in jail. The loss to the local economy was in the tens of millions from bridges being closed, traffic shut down, riot police, and property damage. Pelosi was a cheerleader at many of these.
Contrast THOSE anarchist-styled protests to yesterday's "Tea Party" assemblies with families, flags, and civil discourse; over 300,000 across the country with hardly a mere traffic ticket involved.
Despite some rude and biased media coverage; our President was "unaware" of these protests???

PELOSI: "What they want is a continuation of the failed economic policies of President George Bush which got us in the situation we are in now. What we want is a new direction. …"
"This [tea party] initiative is funded by the high end — we call call it astroturf, it’s not really a grassroots movement. It’s astroturf by some of the wealthiest people in America to keep the focus on tax cuts for the rich instead of for the great middle class."
"What we want is a new direction" she stated.
It is pretty clear the direction she has in mind..................more Govt., more bailouts, more borrow and spend, and more ignorance of reality.
This is the "CHANGE" we get!
P.S. I wonder if Tim Geithner paid his taxes this time??...or is he still confused?? I sure am!
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