We know this as a very popular question to ask in order to determine if YOU are an optimist or a pessimist, right??
Either way, the answer is a "bias" which can be either unintentional and incognitive; or it can be intentional, planned and strategic.
Why do I ask this ??
Well.....when it comes to Affiliate Marketing, or just building a home business of any kind; you must be able to understand how to "MAKE" the Glass seem Half FULL!!
You must be able to feel like you CAN'T FAIL!!! Like you are SUPERMAN !!

An interesting statistic showing how one can utilize a "learned" optimistic bias is shown in the fact that MOST newlywed couples will say they believe their marriage will last a "lifetime" even when they are aware of the opposing Divorce statistics.
Another thought for the day:
"What would you do today, IF you KNEW that you couldn't FAIL????
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