Pelosi denies knowing what was going on: "We were not -- I repeat -- were not told that waterboarding or any of these other enhanced interrogation methods were used,” she told reporters earlier this week. “What they did tell us is that they had…the Office of Legal Counsel opinions -- that they (the interrogation techniques) could be used, but not that they would," Pelosi said.
Despite what is certain to be "undeniable" evidence to the contrary,
our glorius "Speaker of the House" (3rd in line to the Presidency) is quickly finding a way to "re-define" her comments.

A timeline released by the Senate Intelligence Committee on Wednesday said the CIA had told key members of Congressional intelligence panels in the fall of 2002 that waterboarding had been used on three detainees, Abu Zubaydah, Abd al-Rahim al-Nashir, and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.
From CNSNews.com:
“This doesn’t have to be a debate,” Rep. Pete Hoekstra (R-Mich.) said on Friday. “The documents exist. The records of the meeting exist” and should have been retained, he said.
Hoekstra, speaking on “Fox & Friends” Friday, said the goal now “is to make sure that none of those documents now appear to be missing or that any of those documents are destroyed.”
So.....I guess we continue to watch the show !!??
Kind of reminds me of the show we had when our last Democrat was in office:

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