July 7 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. should consider drafting a second stimulus package focusing on infrastructure projects because the $787 billion approved in February was “a bit too small,” said Laura Tyson, an outside adviser to President Barack Obama.
“The economy is worse than we forecast on which the stimulus program was based,” Tyson, who is a member of Obama’s Economic Recovery Advisory board, told the Nomura Equity Forum. “We probably have already 2.5 million more job losses than anticipated.”

We rush to put some "crap" on the table, don't even read the bills before we pass them,... but...we make sure we get all kinds of "pork" in there that was sitting in the Pelosi-Reid (Democrats) "treasure chest", and then say that there are plenty of "shovel-ready" jobs that will be created!!

Where are the jobs??? Unemployment, now at 9.6% (much higher than
and then we say that we've only spent 10% of the stimulus?? and....
now it's "unclear" as to where this money is being spent???
Now really, folks....Who the H___ is driving this ship??

OK....Just print more money!!

I'm back Bernie on this -1
ReplyDeleteConsider that, in the teeth of a devastating recession, Obama has:
• Raised taxes on small businesses, the engines of entrepreneurship and job growth
• Raised the capital gains tax
• Lied about "tax cuts for 95% of Americans", offering instead $13 a week, achieved not through tax cuts, but by changing the federal withholding tables!
• Destroyed charitable giving by axing the tax breaks for 26% of all giving (or $81 billion in 2006)
• Proposed a carbon cap-and-trading scheme designed to punish oil companies and further tax consumers
Why would Obama inflict these destructive policies while the economy is collapsing? Simple. Each step strengthens the role of government in people's lives.
• Squelching the stock market kills its attractiveness as a parking lot for private capital. Combined with an increase in the capital gains tax, investors will swarm to bonds -- tax-free vehicles like municipal bonds, which benefit the growth of state and local government. And unions, of course.
• Carbon cap-and-tax will raise taxes on all Americans as the cost of goods and services will increase to address a non-existent threat.
• True tax cuts would grow the economy, which is why, of course, Obama shuns them. The last major recession was Jimmy Carter's malaise. It consisted of of double-digit inflation and unemployment. It was finally licked by across-the-board tax cuts for everyone (even the despised rich), which touched off a twenty-plus year run of prosperity.
• Charities reduce the role of government assistance for those in need. That, in Obama's world, can not be tolerated. That is why charities must be choked off and allowed to die. Especially faith-based institutions.
I assert that the stimuless bill worked quite well at what it was really intended to do.
And that's to fill the coffers of those who supported Obama in his fraudulent election campaign, those who helped him hide the fact that he's an illegal alien, those who helped prevent the reality about his Kenyan citizenship and Muslim religion from being questioned.