First one to figure this one out....wins a trip to see a Dr.!!

OK....your time's up!! Go directly to Canada....DO NOT PASS GO!
and join all the others trying to cope with Socialized Healthcare!
If you'd rather read the Bill try this!
A more reasonable Bill proposed by Marsha Blackburn is Here
Hello Bernie
ReplyDeleteIn his book, Daschle wrote that doctors will have to “learn to operate less like solo practitioners” and be willing to accept mandatory government controls and guidelines.
And guess what?
That is precisely what that bill now forces doctors to do.
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 created a brand new bureaucracy called the National Coordinator of Health Information Technology. This new government organization will monitor all medical treatments to make sure that your doctor is prescribing the exact drugs and medical treatments that the U.S. government believes are "appropriate" and "cost effective".
So much for medical freedom, eh?
The bill also radically changed the way that the health care system treats the elderly.
Currently, Medicare pays for medical treatments for the elderly that are considered to be safe and effective.
But that has all changed.
Now, a cost effectiveness standard set by a Federal Coordinating Council for Comparative Effectiveness Research will apply.
So now if the U.S. government officials decide that it isn't cost effective for your mother to get cancer treatment she will be out of luck.
In her recent editorial, Betsy McCaughey described Daschle's attitude towards the elderly in his book:
He praises Europeans for being more willing to accept “hopeless diagnoses” and “forgo experimental treatments,” and he chastises Americans for expecting too much from the health-care system.
She also goes on to describe how this new "council" would actually make choices to deny health care to elderly patients if they don't have enough "productive" years left:
The Federal Council is modeled after a U.K. board discussed in Daschle’s book. This board approves or rejects treatments using a formula that divides the cost of the treatment by the number of years the patient is likely to benefit. Treatments for younger patients are more often approved than treatments for diseases that affect the elderly, such as osteoporosis.
Do you understand what that means?
It means that now the United States government decides who lives and who dies.
But most Americans seem tickled pink that they are about to get the "free health care" that Obama supposedly promised them. Instead, they are going to find out that they are going to be forced to pay for mandatory health care, that their health care decisions are now totally controlled by the federal government and that many of them have just been hit with crushing tax increases in order to pay for it all.
Great post Bernie! Thanks