Oh, YES.....There are a few things.
NY Post writer Ralph Peters, a former military intelligence officer, sums up the hate-America core tenets of the “Obama Doctrine” as follows:
(1) We’re to blame,
(2) Problems can be negotiated away,
(3) Problems that can’t be talked out can be bought off,
(4) Islamist terrorism doesn’t exist,
(5) It’s all our fault,
(6) Israel’s the obstacle to Middle East peace,
(7) Our nukes threaten world peace and we need to get rid of them,
(8) Our military is dangerous,
(9) Our intelligence services are even more dangerous than our military,
(10) It’s only torture if we do it, and
(11) Blame President George W. Bush.
And you wonder why his polls are going down finally ???
Maybe, just maybe.....people are starting to realize what his agenda really is!!!

Here's the way it ought to go!!!
Hello Bernie
ReplyDeleteThis is a great video, I will put this up on my sites. Thanks for your hard work,please keep it up.
Obama Doctrine!
Obama's Powers of Persuasion
1. Did Obama's supposed charisma and oratory ability persuade anyone at the G20 to join us in increasing military forces in Afghanistan? No.
2. Has his supposed eloquence and grace persuaded the North Koreans to back-off of their pursuits? No.
3. Is Iran pulling back on their nuclear pursuits -- now that the great speech-maker spoke in Cairo? No.
4. Has his supposed likeability and wonderful charm encouraged others to join us in 'Cap and Trade'. No. In fact, India just announced that they won't even discuss it -- it's completely off the table.
5. What are the supposed achievements made at the OAS meeting? Anyone heard anything? Didn't think so.
6. Has he persuaded investors to get their money back into the Stock Market? No.
7. Has the business community been persuaded by Obama to expand businesses and thus creating jobs? No.
Where exactly lies the proof of Obama's wonderful powers of persuasion through his supposedly wonderful speech-making ability?
The Dirt Bag has got to go!
Oh! I do thank you for the links.
Here is a Great read from the Falcon Party Bernie.
ReplyDeleteBarack Hussein Obama is not a stupid man. Regardless of how and why he was accepted to Columbia and Harvard Law School, he apparently was intelligent enough to achieve passing grades. (I say apparently, because no one has actually seen his college transcripts). It is also true that he is not a slothful man. Through his well-rehearsed, savvy, and populist political rhetoric and demeanor, he has been able to inspire left leaning Americans to follow and support him with great enthusiasm. The type of enthusiasm that has been decidedly missing from conservative American circles for the past 20 years.
But if history’s scars have taught us anything about national leaders and politicians, it is that intelligence and cunning do not necessarily equate to wisdom. And Barack Hussein Obama has yet to demonstrate that he possesses even the vaguest ability to produce wise and reasoned judgments.
You are not wise if you claim to be a constitutional law professor, yet do not comprehend the basics of the Constitution. Where, pray tell, in the US Constitution does it allow for the federal government to seize private companies, such as GM and Chrysler, and then have the president’s underlings decide which auto dealerships are allowed to stay in business? Where does the Constitution permit the Feds to create a government run health insurance entity -that will surely undercut private providers - in order to “keep them honest and help keep prices down”? Toss in a career-long hostility to the Second Amendment, and it becomes obvious that Obama subscribes to the nebulous “living breathing document” school of constitutional study.
TO READ MORE http://falconparty.com/